Sarpaneva Korona K3 Black Moon is the first mechanical wristwatch to indicate the invisible and ever mysterious new moon, the dark opposite of the full moon. Each watch is accompanied by an illustrated book ‘Black is the Moon’. Inspired by the endless melancholy of the dark Finnish winter, the book retells the story of Lilith, the seductive temptress of an ancient legend who preys on unwitting men during the new moon. With the catchphrase ‘Watch your black’, the story gives the watch a function of keeping its holder vigilant of this notorious moon phase. Sarpaneva Black Moon was awarded Red Dot Design Award and the Chicago Athenaeum Good Design Award.

Illustration by Ville Tietäväinen

The leather-bound book utilises an exclusive white paper stock with a solid black reverse and a unique binding. The centre folds on the illustration spreads are not sewn into the binding, but rather left loose. This allows for the spread to stand flat when the book is opened, revealing the whole artwork without any breakage. The watch box, made of reconstituted veneer, also functions as a display. Sarpaneva’s signature moon face motif carries over onto the watch box and the handcrafted cufflinks and is the centrepiece of the free app for iPhone.